The contraceptive Yaz and its sister Yasmin have been proven to cause some serious side effects. If you took Yaz and have had health complication as a result, you could be in the position to file a Yaz lawsuit. Yaz lawsuits will help you claim your health and legal rights, as this contraceptive was inaccurately marketed and labeled by its manufacturer. If you think you could be a candidate for a Yaz lawsuit, you should speak to a lawyer with experience in these types of cases. You could be able to file a law suit with the company or join a class action suit to win a settlement for the suffering and pain it caused you.
A Yaz lawsuit rests on any of the multiple problems associated with Yaz. The primary problem is that it contains a hormone called drospirenone. The manufacturer marketed this hormone as being more natural than the hormones in other contraceptives. However, this hormone has been linked to a condition called deep vein thrombosis. What this means is that blood clots form in veins far from the surface of the body. These blood clots can cause extreme pain, and, more dangerously, get loose and travel throughout the circulatory system. If they arrive at the heart or lungs, they can even make you die. If you are experiencing inexplicable pain in any part of your body, you should stop taking Yaz and consult a doctor immediately.
There are other complications associated with taking Yaz. One is that it causes increased levels of potassium in your body. While potassium is a nutrient that we all need, too much of it can be toxic and cause diarrhea, vomiting, and dizziness. Another problem is that Yaz contains a diuretic that is different from other types of diuretics sold previously in the United States. However, the manufacturer failed to provide the correct warnings with the information it publishes with the product.
The FDA has forced the manufacturer to re-label Yaz and include the appropriate warnings in its commercials and advertisements. However, the product is still on the market and can still potentially affect many women. While not all women experience negative side effects, enough women have that some lawyers are becoming experts in Yaz lawsuits. You should contact one of these lawyers to find out if you are eligible to join or initiate a Yaz lawsuit. Through a Yaz lawsuit, you can claim compensation for the pain you have experienced as well as any medical expenses you have accrued in addressing the problems caused by Yaz.