If you are wondering whether or not you qualify to file a PPI claim in order to recover premiums paid over the last ten years, there are a few different steps to take in order to make this determination. While indeed many people who have been improperly sold payment protection insurance, or PPI products, in the last decade have indeed gone on to recover their premiums paid, et cetera, it should be noted that the simple purchase of such a product does not automatically entitle you to file a PPI claim for recovery.
With this in mind, the first thing to do is to determine whether or not you actually have purchased PPI insurance during the last ten years or not, and if so, how much you have paid in premiums during the aforementioned time frame. Gather together any paperwork you might have that supports a potential PPI claim, and then search the web for reviews of UK barristers in your area that specialize in filing a PPI claim on behalf of their clients.
Read through the results of your query carefully, and then contact one of the best reviewed aforementioned Ppi claim specialists for more information on your situation. If the attorney in question does indeed mention that you have a viable case for a PPI claim, contact the remaining well-reviewed barristers on your list in order to determine which of them offer the best rates on such a piece of litigation. Choose the best and most affordable PPI claim specialist available, and strike up an attorney-client relationship as soon as possible. Offer all of your evidence to the attorney in question, and hopefully your PPI claim should work out quite well. The better you document the PPI claim in the first place, the more likely it is that your barrister of choice will be able to represent your case successfully.