If you are looking for a good email hosting provider, there are several things to consider prior to choosing just anything. While indeed many different email hosting providers out there today, the variation in available space, speed, uptime, and general reliability can vary as much as the price tag on each of these service providers. Always make sure that you choose a reliable and reputable email hosting service above all, as the security and instant transmission of sensitive data depend heavily on this technology.
Determine how many accounts your email hosting provider will need to be able to handle, and then determine the absolute minimum amount of storage space that any such provider will need to offer for each account. Ask what your budget might be from there for each of these accounts, and then search the web for any email hosting provider reviews.
Read through these reviews carefully, and then create a list of the best reviewed email hosting options that you can find accordingly. Once you have done this, go ahead and look over the pricing structures and other features offered by each of these email hosting services relative to the features you have mentioned above. From there, determine which of these services best fit your budget and your required needs, and then look over the final candidates carefully from there in order to determine the very best email hosting provider for your needs overall.
Once you have made this decision, go ahead and sign on with your new email hosting provider of choice as soon as possible. With any luck, your new provider of choice should be everything you wanted and more, and your email hosting needs should be well served in all respects for a long time to come.