With each new smartphone, iPad and other mobile device released on the market, the mobile workforce grows, and so does the need to control its security. Business users make up over 30 percent of all the mobile subscribers in the U.S. This includes people who use their own device for business, and those who were issued a mobile device by their employer. Employers who distribute these devices into the mobile workforce are especially keen on mobile device management and iPhone security.
There are a few means by which sensitive data in the mobile workforce can be encrypted. AES, the Advanced Encryption Standard is an algorithm that’s widely considered unbreakable and has been the United States government standard for data encryption since 2001. Another tool for the mobile workforce is DMI, the Desktop Management Interface that manages hardware and software for a “bring your own device” (Byod) model. As BYOD becomes more accepted, the need for smart mobile workforce solutions that can work on any sort of device is only going to grow.
Despite Apple’s focus on making high security proprietary software for its devices, iPhone management will grow more thorny as the number of mobile apps that run on them explodes. Mobile app development is expected to outnumber PC projects four to one. New apps can increase security, but some apps may also pose an unseen security threat, either by design or by accident. This is why an operating system’s security software is so important to the mobile workforce,and why patch management software exits to constantly update the security patches of mobile devices. Patch management simply aims to keep your security features one step ahead of the newest cyber threats.