Wireless liberation comes with risks Be ready!

Mobile device security

You love your iPhone, but have you thought about iPhone management? Wireless technology is freeing and liberating in many ways, but with mobile devices being unattached and always on the go with you, it is not hard to get separated from them. And it’s not hard to have your iPhone security breached. Individuals and companies rely more and more on these mobile devices and their data, so strong iPhone security is imperative. Almost three quarters of employers these days are employing some form of “BYOD” (bring your own device) and workers are using their own mobile devices in their workplaces, with some companies having hundreds or thousands of devices possessing its precious data. If your company is for example Apple focused, this flexibility brings with it iPhone management and iPhone security challenges, so it is important to come up with a solid plan to thwart the risks of BYOD. Mobile device management (MDM) options address the dark side of BYOD arrangements. For example, Apple offers a tool, Configurator, free of charge to help secure those disparate mobile device fleets. MDM minimizes security breakdowns and the associated costs by uniformly and consistently managing configurations and data on the BYOD devices. A key element of MDM is patch management, which ensures up to date virus and other data protection; patch management software is essential to employers charged with keeping hundreds or thousands of devices safe and secure.

There is irony in our mobile reliance. As the devices get more versatile and handy, the mobile world is getting more complex as the number and sophistication of the devices grows meteorically (for example, 19.5 million tablets were sold in just 2010 alone). Thankfully, the wizards that write our software are responding with an array of mobile device management and patch management tools that help companies wanting all the pros and none of the cons of BYOD. Mobile device management and patch management tools are your twenty four seven security agent, pivotal to keeping your employees and data safe in this increasingly hectic mobile universe. So be sure to research your mobile device management and patch management software options sooner rather than later. You never know when that phone is going to stay behind on that subway seat. More: www.maas360.com

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