Are you one of the approximately 40,000 crane operators employed in the United States today? Make sure you are up to date with not only your osha fall protection training but also your basic knowledge of the items and procedures that are put in place and available to you in order to keep you safe. Here are some basic facts and suggestions to get you started.
Modern day cranes are far more powerful than their predecessors. Not only do they use electric motors, but they also use hydraulic systems to give them more torque. This added power makes it possible to use them to make new and amazing building and other feats of engineering, but it also makes them more dangerous.
Cranes utilize a variety of materials in their everyday operation. Here are just a few. Chain slings are best used in demanding and rugged conditions because they preform where other more delicate slings would fail. Places like steel mills and foundries most often find use for chain slings. Wire rope can also be used. Its construction consists of several strands of metal wire, generally steel, that is twisted into a helix shape. These lifting materials are referred to as a hoist which is then used to lift or lower a heavy load using either a drum or lift wheel around which rope or chain wraps.
When working with large cranes, it can be easy to forget that some things can not be lifted easily by hand. Items like lifting chains, lifting gear, and lifting slings are there to help you move the bigger items. Remember to use them and save yourself from any unnecessary injuries due to negligence.
Make sure that you are always up to date with your rigging certification, and rigging safety training. If there are new rules and regulations to keep you safe, be sure to be aware of them so that you do not cause an accident.
Again, the importance of proper and frequent osha fall protection training can not be expressed. WIthout it, the job it exponentially more difficult and dangerous than it already is by nature. Do yourself and those that work around you, and be sure to stay current an vigilant about your fall protection program.
this seems like a good idea. is this about those huge cranes that you see in big cities working on skyscrapers? that would be really bad if someone fell off of one of those. -shudder-
I work as a crane operator, and this is no joke. there are so many procedures in place for making sure everyone is safe. one little screw up and lots of people can not only get hurt, but they can possibly die. this is no laughing matter.
I work as a crane operator, and this is no joke. there are so many procedures in place for making sure everyone is safe. one little screw up and lots of people can not only get hurt, but they can possibly die. this is no laughing matter.
I work as a crane operator, and this is no joke. there are so many procedures in place for making sure everyone is safe. one little screw up and lots of people can not only get hurt, but they can possibly die. this is no laughing matter.
I work as a crane operator, and this is no joke. there are so many procedures in place for making sure everyone is safe. one little screw up and lots of people can not only get hurt, but they can possibly die. this is no laughing matter.
I work as a crane operator, and this is no joke. there are so many procedures in place for making sure everyone is safe. one little screw up and lots of people can not only get hurt, but they can possibly die. this is no laughing matter.