Boost your Business with Search Engine Rankings

Search engine

All anyone does now when they want to find out any kind of information is get on a search engine site on the internet, and type in what they are looking for. Typically, the searcher will click on only the first page or two of results, or in other terms, the highest ranking results. In order for a business to boom and maintain its status, they need to hold a high search engine position.

It is pretty simple. In order to receive high search engine rankings, there needs to be a focus on the main keyword and support keywords. When a search is requested, usually the searcher has key words in mind for what they are looking for. Example, buying a cheap digital camera. The sites that will be ranked the highest will be the ones that have the key words buying, cheap, and digital camera concentrated throughout the content. If a business mentions the word cheap once, it will rank lower versus a site that mentions that the cameras they are selling are cheap more than two or three times.

However, a business or company shouldn’t overwhelm the searcher with the keywords either. This is called the keyword density, which is the ratio of keywords used to the length of the content. The content still needs to flow and make sense for the reader to understand in order to receive a high search engine ranking. While you are writing content for a robot to pick up and find first on the search, it is being read by a human and needs to be comprehensible. If the keyword density is too high, a search engine ranking can be negatively affected, with the chance of the site being marked as spam by the search engine site.

Search engine ranking is a big objective for companies, because the higher the search engine ranking is, the more customers and people that are seeing the site and what the business or company has to offer. For a company to increase google position, consider who is in charge of running the businesses website at the moment. Debate what can be done to alternate and improve the content of the site in order to receive a higher search engine ranking.


  1. Search engine ranking is so important to a business, I am learning about it in school right now because I am a writer, and thats how a business succeeds now a days.

  2. My business decided to hire a team of writers to improve and update the content of our site, afterwards our business boomed tremendously

  3. My business decided to hire a team of writers to improve and update the content of our site, afterwards our business boomed tremendously

  4. My business decided to hire a team of writers to improve and update the content of our site, afterwards our business boomed tremendously

  5. My business decided to hire a team of writers to improve and update the content of our site, afterwards our business boomed tremendously

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