People are obsessed with fitness and being healthy these days. Yet, it is a bit ironic that we are seeing record levels of obesity in the United States. However, no amount of irony can stop us from craving more health and fitness focused content to consume. And there are plenty of people and companies out there who oblige. The Mrs Q Blog, Q Models Blog, and Rquinox Q blog are all examples of blogs that can satiate your craving for health and fitness focused blogs, but there is a blog queue as long as my arm of blogs that are focused on nothing more than health and fitness.
Most health and fitness blogs question the lifestyles we lead and habits that we maintain. A good blog questions not just what those habits are, but how we got stuck in them in the first place. There is a strong psychological component to many health and fitness related issues. Many a blog quickly resorts to telling you that you need to go on a diet to lose weight or eat healthier. This is untrue, and blogs like the Rquinox Q Blog and Mrs q blog attempt to identify problems within our culture and psychology to help us live lives of better nutrition.
There are issues beyond the individual that need to be addressed before our society can overcome the obesity epidemic that we currently face. A blog questioning the status quo by offering up better explanations and solutions to the problem is a good start. Blogs quickly spread information to the masses and should make people more aware that they need to be mindful of their exercise and diets. Focusing on encouraging better eating habits in our children at school and in ourselves during our busy days is crucial to the betterment of our society as a whole. Health and fitness blogs can remind us of the right changes that we need to make.
It’s not about dieting, it’s about making healthier lifestyle changes. Diets are scientifically proven to not work.
It’s not about dieting, it’s about making healthier lifestyle changes. Diets are scientifically proven to not work.
It’s not about dieting, it’s about making healthier lifestyle changes. Diets are scientifically proven to not work.
It’s not about dieting, it’s about making healthier lifestyle changes. Diets are scientifically proven to not work.
It’s not about dieting, it’s about making healthier lifestyle changes. Diets are scientifically proven to not work.