According to Health.com, you will not find a fattier food in New York State than the infamous Garbage Plate. Yet, Rochestarians cannot seem to get enough of it, which is the reason that so many Rochester restaurants seem to offer their own versions of the Garbage Plate. Despite its local infamy, there is much more to Rochester cuisine than the Garbage Plate.
If you are new to Rochester, you have probably noticed that once you make it past the suburban strip malls, the City actually offers a colorful palette of old and new restaurants to satisfy every palate. Fine Rochester Italian restaurants have always been a favorite, while Rochester Mexican restaurants and Asian cuisine are not far behind. Of course, you have all sorts of interesting variations on standard American fare like burgers, steak, seafood, and salads.
While there is certainly no lack of unique and satisfying restaurants in Rochester, it might be challenging to settle on just one place. A great source to which you can turn for information on the top Rochester restaurants is the Best of Rochester edition of the City Newspaper online. As its name implies, the Best of Rochester site offers its recommendations of the best Rochester restaurants, and specifically where to find the best pizza, best gourmet burger, best chicken wings, best seafood, best ethnic cuisines, and so on.
In order to figure out which of the many Rochester restaurants you prefer the most is to get out there and experience them. Sure, you can get a start by checking out Rochester restaurant reviews, but the real fun comes with finding them for yourself.