Did you know that the iconic blog I Can Has Cheezburger, with its silly cat pictures and grammatically incorrect captions, gets 16.5 million separate viewers per month? With the right strategies and execution, blogs can go viral. Great blogs pack of lot of potential, and a good deal of bloggers are using them to bring in extra cash. What are these tried and true strategies?
Picking a Focus, and Running With It
In 2012, approximately 31 million Americans fancied themselves “bloggers.” Standing out among 31 million can be a challenge, and the only hope bloggers have is to make waves is to narrow it down a bit. Blogging news and figures are pretty clear. Only 9% of American bloggers, as of 2012, replaced their nine to five with four to six hours of daily blogging, and you better believe those 9% chose their blog topics carefully. The Daily Egg touts ListVerse as one of the most unique, and successful, blogs of 2011. The blog owes its innovation and success to focus, easy to read lists.
Search engine optimization is not just for the big guys, or corporate head honchos. All of the blog info out there agrees, blogging can be an effective way for companies to get ahead in the business world. Companies with current, and useful, blog posts boast up to 434% more indexed pages than their non-blogging counterparts. Businesses and individuals alike can use SEO to boost blog hits. How? Google speaks pretty freely about its expectations. Dig a little deeper, research ranking keywords, and what Google deems “high quality content,” and SEO can help give you and your blog a leg up.
Want to make money, and waves, blogging? Want devoted readers? You are going to have to start with an area of focus, and stick to it. Once you have current, focused posts, blog information, Google, and SEO can help from there.
More can be found here: savings-lounge.com
I blog because I have fun with it, but a good friend of mine did the same thing. She chose fashion — specifically spinning great outfits from thrift store finds — as her focus, and she makes decent money. And she gets invited to conferences. I’m a touch jealous. 😉
I blog because I have fun with it, but a good friend of mine did the same thing. She chose fashion — specifically spinning great outfits from thrift store finds — as her focus, and she makes decent money. And she gets invited to conferences. I’m a touch jealous. 😉