Workplace injuries are incredibly common in the United States. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, private sector workers see injury among 102 out of every 10,000 employees. Government employers offer a higher rate of personal injury among their employees with approximately 181,000 every year. Whether you work as an accountant for a Fortune 500 company or as a government employee with the U.S. Postal Service, the fact is that a workplace injury can completely alter the trajectory of your life. If you’re unable to do your job, your financial situation and your happiness with your professional life can change in an instant.
What About Workers Compensation Laws?
As the Office of Disability Employment Policy writes, workers compensation laws exist in almost all states and apply to almost all businesses. To receive workers compensation, in most cases, simply requires you to be hurt on the job. The amount of compensation you’ll receive until you’re able to work again, if you’re able to work again, completely depends on the state you’re in. In New York State, for example, workers compensation payments following a car accident injury claim, or any other injury, is calculated as 66% of your weekly wages multiplied by your disability percentage. Keep in mind, while you may be entitled to workers compensation and/or Social Security Disability benefits, you may still lose your job following your injury.
Is It Wrongful Dismissal if I’m Fired After an Injury?
If you’ve been fired from your job following a workplace injury, then you might consider securing the services of an employment lawyer who can help you negotiate wrongful dismissal law. As AllLaw.com points out, your employer has the right to let you go following an injury if there is no reasonable way that they can make concessions or adjustments to allow you to do your job as before. Say, for example, your injury requires that you go to PT in the morning, thereby requiring you to work a different schedule. The American Disability Act states that your company should try to make that reasonable accommodation for you. That’s one of your rights as an employee.
That being said, if your employer can allow you to keep your job by making reasonable accommodations but they bully you into leaving or dismiss you from your job to avoid making said adjustments, then an employment lawyer should be brought into the picture to discuss a lawsuit.
What Are the Benefits of Seeking an Employment Lawyer to Make a Claim?
The Sixth Amendment stipulates that you have the right to Pro se legal, or the right to advocate for yourself in a court of law. However, unless you have a legal background, these are dangerous waters to tread. Employment lawyers have the experience and knowledge you need to help fight for lost wages, expenses, and punitive damages, all of which are common punishments for wrongful termination, according to The Houston Chronicle.
If you’ve been injured on the job and feel you were wrongfully terminated, contact a reputable employment lawyer. While there are never any guarantees in the criminal justice system, doing nothing will only make matters worse. To see more, read this: St. louis employment attorney