Most people during their lifetime will take advantage of the benefits of hiring a lawyer. Whether it is to buy a new home, fight a speeding ticket, or for something a little more unique, the benefits of hiring a lawyer to act as your advocate will at some point pull you in.
Today, the world is a lot different than it looked last year at this time. Today, we are dealing with a strange new virus that is attacking in epidemic proportions, and of course, there are widespread protests. Many more people are now finding themselves in a position where they can appreciate the benefits of hiring a lawyer. The benefits of hiring a lawyer during this time may be more important than ever.
COVID 19 Driving the Need for Legal Assistance
COVID 19 has quickly tanked the economy in the US. While the stock market seems to be flourishing, many Americans are feeling the strain. Most state governments have put protections in place to help protect consumers, but unfortunately, that does not mean that everyone is following the rules.
For many Americans that are waiting for unemployment to kick in or that are receiving only part of the income that they would normally earn, paying rent, utilities, buying food, medical bills, and keeping up with other bills, is simply not working. The benefits of hiring a lawyer when you are struggling financially can help to ward off a wide range of repercussions.
For example the Donner Family in Elizabeth City NC, was just recently getting back their financial footing from the recession in 2008 when they lost their home to foreclosure. Both parents were employed and making a decent income, they were still renting, but had their eye on a new home purchase, then COVID 19 hit. Both parents lost their jobs in the hospitality industry, and long wait times at the NC Department of Employment Security, left them without an income for over 2 months.
They noticed a towing company driving by their rented home pretty regularly, and realized that although the finance company for their family vehicle said they would work with them, evidently the towing company was a repo company. Bill Donner, called a local lawyer the next morning, and the problem was solved straight away. One of the key benefits of hiring a lawyer is the protection that they can provide. The lawyer they hired contacted the finance company for the car, and as it turned out, there was an internal miscommunication, and the repossession order was issued accidentally.

An eviction attorney reports that even though there has been a moratorium placed on evictions in NC, and other states, many landlords are still sending threatening letters and demands for payment. Many landlords are poised to drop those eviction orders the day the courts start accepting them. Benefits of hiring a lawyer if you are behind on your rent directly related to job loss because of COVID 19 means having an advocate that will represent you in tenant-landlord court that can help you stay in your rental longer while you get your finances in order.
Many bankruptcy attorneys are receiving inquiries from people that are really feeling the pinch of the financial problems that COVID 19 is driving. There has been an uptick of about 25% of people that are considering filing bankruptcy. The benefits of hiring a lawyer to help you wipe out some debt and get a fresh financial start during COVID 19 can help you sleep better at night.
COVID 19 has had a tremendous financial impact on most Americans, but that is not all it is impacting. Many Americans are finding it hard to get the medical care that they need for non-COVID health concerns. Doctor’s offices are not seeing patients, dentists are closed in many states, physical therapy has stopped for many states, and a litany of other medical services are simply not available.
What Do You Do If You Have A Personal Injury In a Car Accident During COVID?
Dara Thierry in NY found out exactly what can happen when you are injured during COVID 19 quarantine in a car accident. She was driving with a passenger when a car ran a stop sign and T-Boned her Camry. While her injuries were not life-threatening she did break a couple of bones and would need physical therapy down the line to fully heal.

She was taken to the hospital from the scene, to NY Presbyterian, was seen in the ER, patched up, advised to make a follow-up appointment with her doctor, and sent on her way. Unfortunately, a key fracture to her collar bone was missed, even after complaining for weeks about it, and she was struggling to get through to the insurance company when she called to ask about additional testing.
Yes, there is a pandemic that is affecting many people, and many people, including insurance companies, have sent their people home to work, but that does not mean that personal injury claims have stopped or should be delayed.
Ms. Thierry had a unique situation not only did she need an injury attorney, but she needed medical negligence attorneys on her side. Luckily, she was able to realize the benefits of hiring a lawyer almost immediately. The lawyer that she hired was able to help her navigate the “new” personal injury system, and help her to get the medical care that she needed but never got from the overburdened hospital system.
Killer Virus and Protests
The death of George Floyd triggered the largest protests that this country has seen since the 1960s. The uprising against the injustices in the US has been a long time coming, of course, the fact that it came about during a pandemic certainly adds an entirely different flavor to the situation.
To say that there has been mayhem the first half of 2020, truly feels like a bit of an understatement. Protesters are protesting against police brutality and racial disparity. Many of the protests have been peaceful, some have not. Gun sales are on the rise by business owners that want to protect their property, people are taking to the streets to be heard, and COVID 19 is still flourishing.

Many protestors are wrongfully being arrested and charged, they have to call on a bail bond agent to get them out of jail. If you are lucky enough to be a bail bondsman you are staying busy helping people get back home to their loved ones. Affluential people are setting aside funds to help those protestors make bail, however, once you are out what do you do to ensure you stay out of jail? You call a criminal law attorney that can ensure your right to protest is not met with a criminal conviction..
Protesting against a system that you do not believe in is a protected right under the constitution, but that does not mean in your city or town, that right is going to be upheld. Benefits of hiring a lawyer when you have been arrested for protesting can include staying out of jail, avoiding a long community service type sentence, and not having to pay fines for something that was not illegal in the first place.
What if you are a business owner that has felt the effects of the protests? Unfortunately, while many of the protests are peaceful, some get out of hand, and businesses are damaged. Most business owners are already struggling because of COVID 19 restrictions, and have had to take business loans from the SBA to stay afloat.
The SBA may be able to help you through grants to help you further. Benefits of hiring a lawyer that understands business finance and how to manage loan applications and more can help you get the money you need whether it is due to COVID 19 or it is due to the protests.
Professionals Trained to Protect Your Rights
This can be a very confusing time whether you are an employer, employee, parent, child, or anyone in between the categories. There are a lot of “new rules” to navigate, this is a confusing time. Benefits of hiring a lawyer to help you manage many areas of your life can feel like the calm in the middle of a storm.
The Benefits of hiring a lawyer can include everything from getting your financial footing on solid ground to staying out of jail. Lawyers have the skill set to ensure that even during the most chaotic times your rights as an American are protected.
Changes in procedures have affected all of us. Try to get a license renewal, file paperwork with your local district court, or heaven forbid get a government agency on the phone and ask some questions. It can be impossible to manage life without the help of a lawyer that can step in for you.
Benefits of a lawyer include not having to deal with many things that can crop up on your own including:
- Enact your rights and ensure that they are protected.
- Act as your advocate for financial matters.
- File documents, develop a strategy, and have solutions for your specific problem.
A lawyer can step in and manage any issues you are dealing with. They have the skill set to ensure that you can get through whatever you are dealing with.

You do not lose your rights because of COVID 19 or because of the protests, however, enacting those rights may be difficult during this time. A lawyer can really get the attention of creditors, the courts, and more. They have the power to command the attention your problem needs.
Take Some of the Stress Off
One of the benefits of hiring a lawyer regardless of the reason is that you can destress a bit. There is no denying that this is a highly stressful time for everyone, and when you mix in legal problems, financial problems, and problems getting anything done, it can put anyone over the edge.
A lawyer can help to take a lot of the burden off your shoulders. It can be a good feeling to know that you are not alone. Recently, John (who did not want his last name used) had to contact an attorney because he had some community service that he was assigned to as part of a plea deal on a DUI charge, but, could not do the community service because all the agencies that participated were closed or not accepting volunteers. While most courthouses in his state were not hearing new cases, he kept getting harassing phone calls from the lady that oversaw the community service program. He was so stressed out because this woman kept threatening to revoke the agreement and see to it that he went to jail. His attorney was able to extend his community service time to compensate for the lack of opportunities. An additional 6 months was granted under an emergency order that only an attorney could file.
Doors are opened for lawyers that are not opened to the average person. While most courts are shuttered to the public, it is business as usual when it comes to filings done by attorneys, and of course, punishment is still being doled out to people that are not in compliance with their court agreements.
In many cases you realize the benefits of hiring a lawyer in these uncertain times simply because the lawyer is the only person that can take care of a matter for you. The fact is, if you can afford the help, you should be seeking the help just to keep the stress down.
No matter what you are dealing with, in almost every case, having a lawyer on your side can help you to deal with it better, more efficiently, and move you toward the outcome that you are hoping for. The world is a crazy place, anyone that can help you to make better sense of it, is a great ally.
Moving forward, hopefully, things will return to normal or at the very least the new normal will be easy to adapt too. While you are struggling through this time, do yourself a favor and take advantage of the benefits of hiring a lawyer can deliver.