How to Prepare for an Incoming Storm

In 2022, we are seeing a slight uptick in hurricane and natural disasters all around the globe. As far as America is concerned, we have an intense network of satellites and meteorologists working 24/7 to predict upcoming weather patterns, so we know more or less what to expect. If you live in an area prone to storms, then you are no stranger to storm preparation. If you live in a landlocked area, however, you may have no experience with hurricanes and what you need to do to prepare for them. In this video, we will take a look at the necessities and what you need to keep in mind when preparing for an incoming hurricane.

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First of all, you need to keep close communication with others. Keeping a close eye on the news will keep you updated on whether your county is recommended for evacuation or if the government has issued any warnings for your area in particular. Next, you may need to invest in board up services if you are in the line of the storm. Protecting your home from shattering glass and airborne objects is a strong start to preparation. Finally, switch off your power supply and unplug any unnecessary devices.


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