You Need to Avoid These Plumbing Mistakes

Are you considering doing your own plumbing installation? If you don’t choose a plumbing company, there is a good chance of costly mistakes. Plumbing is no easy task. There are several common mistakes that you need to avoid.

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In this video, you will learn how to avoid such mistakes.

When you are installing copper piping, make sure to use copper supports. Some people attempt to use steel supports only to find that they mess with the copper over some time. This results in leaks. Therefore, always use copper on copper.

Amateur plumbers also find that cutting piping isn’t as easy as you would imagine. It is recommended that you use ratchet cutters instead of a saw. They are much more accurate and will give you a precise cut. This is important because bad cuts can result in fittings that just don’t fit. If the cut is bad enough, the fittings may not fit at all.

Amateur plumbers often attempt to heat the solder on the copper pipes. However, the pipes themselves are all that needs to be heated up. A hot copper pipe will take the solder in at a certain threshold.


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