Have you been looking for a new Minecraft mod to play with your friends on your dedicated server? Look no further than the Bunker Down mod. This mod was released for Minecraft Java version 1.16.5, but may be updated to newer versions in the near future.
So what does this mod do? Well, it makes your Minecraft game seem just a little more like Fallout. Here is how.
When you spawn into your world, you will notice that things look a bit different. Instead of seeing lush fields or forests, you will be in a steely bunker. That is right, you actually start either underground or underwater in your very own bunker! It is fully-equipped with beds, ceiling lamps, and airlock doors. These airlock doors and ceiling lamps are new editions to the game that are craftable in survival. This makes them the perfect additions to your very own custom bunkers. As with most things in Minecraft, your bunker is completely customizable. You could choose to expand it however you like. You could add a library or maybe even a ball pit. It is really up to you and your friends! Just make sure that you get yourself a reliable hosting provider, such as Meloncube, to ensure a seamless gameplay experience with your friends.