Beginners Guide to Emulsion Breaking

Heating is one of the primary ways to break an emulsion. It breaks down the paraffin crystals and reduces the viscosity of the emulsion. The size of the droplets also increases in this process. Additionally, it helps the emulsion separate from water.
A disadvantage is that oil can be lost in the heating process.

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Also, heating may cause mechanical difficulties.

Electricity is another method to break an emulsion. The electrical current helps to coalesce the particles. The molecules of the electrically charged particles will arrange according to their electrical dipole.

Chemicals can also help to break an emulsion. It helps the water droplets to coalesce.

Properties of an Emulsifier

  • 1.There is a strong attraction in the interface between oil and water
    2.Encourages flocculation
    3. It also causes solids wetting
  • They work to divide solids that have accumulated from the oil by wetting the solids to make it easier to separate them.

    Considerations of Choosing an Emulsion Breaking Method

  • 1.Temperature
  • 2.Chemical injection point
  • 3.Type of Crude Oil Treatment Process
  • 4.Type of Crude Oil
  • 5.Produced Water Composition


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