What Are Different House Siding Options?

When it comes to replacing your home’s siding, there are so many options that it can be overwhelming. Luckily, a siding contractor will be able to help you make the best choice for your home. Keep reading to learn about the most popular house siding options.

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The most popular type of siding is vinyl. Vinyl is the least expensive option making it the most economical, but it can also last a long time if installed right. If you choose vinyl as your house siding material, there are dozens of colors to choose from.

A little step up from the vinyl is insulated vinyl siding. With insulated vinyl siding, the insulation is built right into the ridges of the panel which makes it much more durable than vinyl and it also insulates your home better. Like vinyl, there are various color options for insulated vinyl.

Another popular option is hardy board. Hardy board is a fiber cement siding that is very durable. This option is painted in-house by hardy board and can come in a variety of colors.

For more siding options, talk to a siding contractor or watch the video above!


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