Today, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards apply to all organizations and merchants that accept, transmit, or store any cardholder data through processing credit cards. These standards apply to businesses regardless of their size, or number of transactions completed. These standards can help consumers and businesses feel safe and secure when completing payment processing through online payment systems. If you are a business that is looking to expand your offering of products to include forms of internet sales, then it may be necessary for you to check out your options for B2B payments, Level 3 processing, and various types of payment processing companies to assist you. Ensuring that you are able to accommodate B2B payments and online credit card processing are some of the most crucial factors to expanding your business to include internet sales.
The rise of internet sales and shopping has been significant within the last few years alone. For example, in 2011, more than one billion dollars was spent through online sales on Cyber Monday, the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday, alone. This huge surge in sales accounted for nearly twelve percent of all online sales in November of 2011. This surge may not include B2B payments, which are geared toward business transactions; however, these types of internet payments are still significant nowadays. Many businesses want to add convenience in how they purchase supplies and other goods, and offering B2B payments is an excellent way to ensure that your business will be utilized by other businesses. As such, you can also research E commerce ideas, as E commerce includes a significant business to business component, while online shopping refers to consumer purchases in general.
Many online payment systems, including B2b payments, are easily tweaked to become more user friendly and create more convenience for individuals and businesses. Ways in which to complete this user friendly aspect involves the payment system accepting a various amount of payment types, or by storing credit card information for faster checkout on future purposes. However, the system to process credit cards has three distinct levels. Level three processing provides the most detail about a transaction. As such, Level three processing may include item descriptions, item quantity, item discount identifier, ship from postal code, and a variety of other information. If you are interested in updating your online payment processing systems, consider conducting some additional internet research to learn more.