Benefits of Filtered Water Coolers

Bottle free water coolers

Did you know that almost half of all bottled water in 2009 came directly from municipal tap water? Drinking bottled water is almost just as much of a gamble as it is to drinking tap water in the city. We have all seen water bottle companies making their rounds to deliver water to businesses and homes, and it can be a big hassle to change those heavy and bulky water bottles on the cooler. There is a more intelligent solution for accessing purified drinking water. Filtered water coolers that do not require a bottle are actually safer than bottled water. In fact, bottleless water coolers prevent against bacteria more than bottled systems do.

While changing a bottle on a bottled water cooler system, the introduction of bacteria is possible. Filtered water coolers are a closed system that does not require you to change bottles. Therefore, you can reduce the chances of experience an illness from bacteria if you use the proper filtered water coolers. In addition to reducing the possibility of bacteria in your drinking water, a bottleless water dispenser will actually save you money. In fact, you can save up to 80 percent by switching from a bottled water system to bottleless filtered water coolers. Filtered water coolers are safer and more cost effective than traditional bottled water systems.

Tufts University recently did a study that discovered how bottled water coolers around campus contained up to four times the amount of bacteria allowed by the government. We did not always have access to sophisticated filtered water coolers, like we do today. There was a time when people used large blocks of ice to cool bottled water systems. Point of use water cooler systems do not require a company to routinely deliver new bottles of water to your office. Bottleless water cooler systems contain a sophisticated filtration system to prevent the possibility of contamination.

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  1. Do these bottleless water coolers have a cooling system or just a filtration system? I’m all for purified water but warm water just isn’t the same as cold water.

  2. Do these bottleless water coolers have a cooling system or just a filtration system? I’m all for purified water but warm water just isn’t the same as cold water.

  3. Do these bottleless water coolers have a cooling system or just a filtration system? I’m all for purified water but warm water just isn’t the same as cold water.

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