So, just why is Seo important? There are several answers to that question. Let us look at different aspects as to why SEO important.
Many people are finding the services or products they want through a search engine. This number is increasing as more and more people are using their mobile devices to search the Internet.
The growth of eCommerce also adds fuel to the question as to why is SEO important. The emergence of eCommerce has seen growth rates approaching 17 percent. If you do not understand why SEO important, you could lose business, while your competitors who do get an board will become more successful.
Why is SEO important to search results? Most search users will not click on paid listings. Rather they prefer organic results. The numbers indicate that this number is nearly 85 percent of all search users.
And, what about optimization and why is SEO important? As was previously mentioned, a good number of people are using mobile devices to access and search the Internet. If your site is not optimized, these users will leave your site almost immediately. This of course, essentially means you have lost potential business.
Why is SEO important to your return on investment? Well, statistics show that many more leads from SEO efforts close, than those created by traditional advertising such as newspaper, radio, or billboard advertising.
Why is SEO important to your advertising budget? Many businesses are leaving print media to online advertising and websites. SEO strategies are much more important to keeping your message in front of your potential customers.
Why is SEO important when thinking about your competition? Many of your competitors are probably not just sitting around waiting for business. They are actively engaging in SEO marketing, and it just stands to reason that you should be doing the same.
Internet and SEO strategies are marketing processes that can effectively put your business in front of a target audience. This audience is part of your potential customers who may be looking for the products your company offers.
The questions about the importance of SEO should be asked and answered by any SEO professional you choose to work with. And you will soon be pulling ahead of your competition.
All I can say is that SEO is important if you want visitors.