Social media websites are not only used by people sitting at the computer with nothing else to do. The benefits of social media are recognized across the business world. Social sites are used to promote products and services and are sometimes the focal point for marketing the business’ presence online. The phenomenon has become so popular that PR agencies New York and Pr agencies boston companies turn to offer marketing services that focus on what to put on social media websites. Mobile device users are often targeted in these campaigns. In 2010, mobile commerce was worth $3 billion, while it is projected to reach $31 billion in 2016. The business world is not about to let go of a potentially lucrative means to draw in consumers and even other business customers. All the benefits of social media are just too great to simply let go.
There have been drastic changes in public relations strategy over just the past few years. One of the drivers of this fact is shown by a recent Nielson study that shows brand recall is much higher when brands are seen on advertisements posted over a series of platforms. These include television, desktop interfaces, and mobile devices. Advertising brands is one of the benefits of social media that lets advertisers and companies reach a wider audience. Many PR firms and businesses have turned to the social media press release for expanding the reach of announcements and increasing the chances of boosting sales, regardless of economic performance overall.
While New York and Boston are known for a large number of PR companies, the business is spread out over the entire globe. Public relations is nothing new, however. The term came about after WWI when the word propaganda had been associated in a negative light during the war. Today, it is represented by everyone from the top pr firm to the average employee. In fact, a company with 1,000 employees or more has, on average, a combination of 178 social media assets, represented by blogs, Twitter handles, and more. There are even more benefits of social media. Other forms of online advertising are not as effective. For example, almost one third of online display ads are never seen by readers or website visitors. Since most people take note of information they see on social sites, the benefits of social media are not to be ignored from a PR perspective.