A New Dawn of Internet Marketing Brings Website Resellers

Social media reseller

Did you know that forty percent of American companies now have blogs on their websites? This is no accident, but the result of an understanding that content is king where web searches are concerned. Many of these blogs are, in fact, written by search engine optimization companies, or SEO. SEO companies create new web content that is both relevant as well as infused with key words and phrases. That way, it is professional and interesting for users to read, while also appealing to search engine algorithms.

Optimizing websites for search engines, and appealing to Google search algorithms, is important. Many people have called SEO the future of internet marketing, and it does make a difference in how visible websites are to potential consumers. The creation of content is also key to advertising, since so much of the web is based on information and link forwarding, something that ultimately benefits businesses that manage to create fairly interesting copy. Besides creating new copy, search engine optimization companies also edit existing content, do social media marketing, and web design.

Rather than spending money on marketing and customer service, SEO companies instead rely on website resellers to handle that end of their business. SEO resellers pay a monthly fee to receive their reselling seo package. They are provided with the infrastructure and information they need to under to generate a client list. In return for finding new clients for the SEO company, often in local and specialized markets the company has difficulty reaching, the SEO reseller can charge whatever price they want for the services rendered. Once they amass enough clients, it is easy to generate money by proxy, with minimal involvement.

SEO resellers are also social media resellers most of the time, since the SEO company will actually use social media to promote their content in different places, in order to reach greater web exposure. Seo resellers are currently entering the market at a good time, since the SEO industry is still growing every year.


  1. I feel like resellers would never be quite as adept as middle men unless they really understand the ins and outs to SEO reselling. Otherwise how can you correctly advise your clients?

  2. I feel like resellers would never be quite as adept as middle men unless they really understand the ins and outs to SEO reselling. Otherwise how can you correctly advise your clients?

  3. I feel like resellers would never be quite as adept as middle men unless they really understand the ins and outs to SEO reselling. Otherwise how can you correctly advise your clients?

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