An Adjustable Bed Can Work Wonders For Lower Back Pain and Edema

Sleep system

Did you know that sleeping on a horizontal, flat mattress can force your body to shift into improper postures or cramped positions as you sleep? That is why many people have soreness in their backs when they wake up in the morning. An adjustable bed, on the other hand, may be able to provide you with relief from lower back pain, swelling of the legs which is also known as edema, and poorly circulating blood in your legs. If you normally suffer from any of these ailments, you should consider purchasing a fully adjustable bed.

Adjustable beds allow you to tilt your legs just high enough to prevent edema and other health related complications without making yourself uncomfortable. An adjustable bed, because it can be positioned exactly as you want it to be, can let you find the most comfortable way for you to sleep. For example, a modest incline at the head or foot of your adjustable bed can prevent you from scrunching up or bending your legs awkwardly, thus causing yourself terrible pain.

An adjustable bed will let you have a better nights rest than you may have had in a long time. Buying an adjustable bed is an investment in your health and well being. You will have sweet dreams as you sleep in comfort in your brand new adjustable bed. Read this for more.


  1. Is an adjustable bed that thing they used to have all the late night commercials with old people on them? I always wanted one of those!

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