The Best Beaches in Maui

Best beaches in maui

The 13th most densely populated state in the U.S. is Hawaii, which says a lot because it is also the 11th state with the smallest number of residents. If you are comparing how expensive it is to live in different states then you may be shocked to know that Hawaii is the top 8 states for the cost of living expenses. The Big Island is known for volcanic eruptions. The last eruption outside of the Big Island happened in the late 18th century on Maui at Haleakal. Some people believe that the eruption at Haleakal happened hundreds of years before that though.

The most popular park in Hawaii is Bellows Field Beach Park. This popular park is located in the Bellows Air Force Station. You can only go there on weekends and holidays though. Hanauma Bay is one of the best places to go snorkeling. It is on the island of Oahu, which is famous for its colorful reefs and opportunities for snorkeling in paradise. You can relax, go snorkeling, and see some of the most beautiful fish there. One of the best beaches in Maui to go wind surfing is Ho’okipa Bay. It is also one of the best beaches in Maui to go snorkeling and swimming.

One can find some of the best beaches in Maui and the best hotels in Maui. In order to find the best beaches in Maui you can buy maps of Hawaii and maps of maui that will show all the best places to go for swimming, snorkeling and sunbathing. If you prefer, you can also look up the best hotels in Oahu. The same maps that help you find the best beaches in Maui will also help you find the best beaches in oahu. Of course, you can always ask the locals about where to find the best beaches in Maui too.


  1. I would give an arm and a leg to be able to go to Hawaii and see just one beach. Its been one of my dreams for ever. Someday I’ll get to go. I’m saving for it right now.

  2. We have neighbors who go to Hawaii every single summer. They should just move there already. Someday we hope to go and see what everyone is raving about.

  3. We have neighbors who go to Hawaii every single summer. They should just move there already. Someday we hope to go and see what everyone is raving about.

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