Do you have a teenage daughter that is becoming increasingly difficult to buy for? Have you discovered that as your daughter gets older, you become more clueless about presents to buy a teenage girl, and you’re running out of ideas? Buying for a toddler or grade school-age girl is easy. But when they hit the teenage years, it definitely becomes more difficult.
Here are some ideas that may help, broken down into categories. If you can identify the type of girl she is, it will make it easier for you to purchase a gift for her. As you read it, keep in mind that the prices of the various gifts range from really affordable for everyone to very expensive for the fortunate few.
Outdoor girls/tomboys/athletic
• Consider Powersports. If your daughter loves both the outdoors and motoring, an ATV would be the perfect gift.
• If she is a girl that loves to participate in sports and happens to be tall, consider basketball training or some other sport. Hockey, skiing, golf are a few of the sports that women enjoy these days. Why not give her a head start to the WPGA with a few lessons and equipment.
• Camping, hiking, and boating are fun outdoor activities that many girls enjoy. Purchase equipment that will benefit her on a camping trip. Inquire at a shop where they have tent rentals. Ask about sizing for a specific number of people and purchase a tent for her and her friends to enjoy on a camping trip.
• Boots for hiking or water skis when she goes boating are also excellent gifts for the outdoor girl.
• If she loves spectator sports, how about tickets to a game. Tickets to a baseball, football, or hockey game would be fun for her. If money is no object, buy her a season ticket.
• A soft, fleecy, comfortable sweatshirt is a welcome gift for an outdoor enthusiast.
• If she loves being in the water, consider a watercraft, such as a kayak. They are available at all price levels, come equipped with various accessories, and are easily found online or at outdoor equipment retailers.
Academic girls/bookworms
• If your daughter is planning on college after high school, prepare her in advance for her career by purchasing books on estate planning or if she wants to be an attorney, buy her some legal books. Book for academic or career success can be an excellent gift. They offer plenty of advice and will be useful to her for many years to come.
• Tuition is costly at most colleges today. If you haven’t already done so, open a savings account for her with money intended specifically for her college education.
• If your daughter has a hobby or a particular interest, purchase books, DVDs, etc., that will enable her to enjoy her hobby further.
• Noise-canceling headphones are great for the student needing to concentrate while studying. They block out all external noise and help on an airplane, as all engine noise is muted.
• If she enjoys keeping up on current events, a newspaper or magazine subscription will allow her to read something other than a textbook.
Girly girls/beauty items
• All females, if they are into beauty, would love a weekend at a beauty spa. Many beauty spas offer all the services a teenage girl would love, such as massage, facials, soaking in a hot tub, and many more.
• If there is a particular cosmetic line she enjoys using, purchase some items from that line.
• Skincare is essential for girls her age. Our skin is the first organ on our bodies to age. Give her a head start caring for her skin with some anti-aging products that will give her increased confidence as she ages. She will thank you for it later, even if she doesn’t now!
• A lighted makeup mirror is perfect for ensuring her makeup will look exactly as she wants it to look.
Health and fitness girls
• If your daughter is into health and fitness, consider a gym membership.
• A piece of fitness equipment is another option. A treadmill, cross trainer, rower, exercise bicycle would all be the perfect gift for anyone into fitness.
• The fitness enthusiast would appreciate a good pair of running shoes or aerobic workout shoes.
• If your daughter enjoys running, how about a pedometer to measure distance and speed.
• An activity watch that measures calories burned, heart rate in addition to distance and speed is also a great option.
• Workout clothes
• A yoga mat and a carrying case
• Wireless headphones so she doesn’t need to deal with swinging cords as she runs.
• Running gloves are slim-fit, smartphone-friendly gloves with reflective details, making for better visibility when she runs.
• A resistance band set to enable her to work out even if she is traveling.
• Metallic ear warmers will keep her ears warm, and she will look stylish while running in the freezing cold.
• Yoga pants
• Insulated water bottle
• A gym workout bag
• A fitness and food journal
Bling/glitz/glamour girls
• For the gals who love to enhance their outfits with jewelry, a little bling would be the perfect gift. A jewelry store or an online retailer would be the ideal place to shop for the following:
o Earrings
o Necklace
o Rings
o Bracelets
• For the sentimental girls who love jewelry, how about a birthstone ring or earrings.
• Accessory items such as vases, jewelry boxes, dresser tray, picture frame, etc., anything that has sparkle and shine on it would be welcomed by the girl that loves bling and glitz.
Romantic/sentimental girls
• What female doesn’t love to receive flowers? Even if the flowers are a gift from her parent(s), it is guaranteed to please her.
• If you want a wide variety to choose from, online flower delivery is a better option than your local florist.
• Candles, soothing bath oils, and bubble bath soaps will be a welcome experience after a hard, stressful day in the classroom. It would also be a calming experience before an important date or occasion.
• A beautiful crystal frame for one of her favorite photographs would be a welcome addition atop her dresser or desk.
• A personalized mug with a favorite saying, date, picture, pet, flower, etc., is something she would enjoy using when having her favorite beverage.
• A music box or snow globe that plays one of her favorite tunes is something she can keep for her lifetime and possibly become an heirloom.
• If your daughter has a collection of any kind that she has been adding to as the years go by, purchase something to add to it. For example, if she has a doll collection or a stuffed animal collection that means a lot to her, add to it.
Travel/adventure girls
• If your daughter loves to travel, how about giving her and a friend a weekend away.
• Or if you have always promised her a European vacation, now is the time. It is a gift she would never forget.
• A nice piece of luggage would enable her to be ready when she takes that trip she has been looking forward to.
• A travel guide to a place she hopes to visit one day will enable her to envision that experience a little more clearly.
• A camera to catalog a trip or experience would be a practical gift she would enjoy and use.
• A passport wallet with RFID protection built-in and a lock will prepare her for that trip abroad she plans to take.
Practical girls
• Does your daughter own a car? If so, maybe it needs new tires or a lube job. Car repairs are expensive, and unless she knows a “backyard” mechanic, the repairs will be on her…or you! So why not give them as a gift. If your daughter is practical, she will love it.
• Suppose she is a “handy girl” who loves to watch or even help her Dad with household chores and repairs. How about a toolbox of her own. Fill it with the basics, hammer, screwdriver set, pliers, etc. She can add to it as she learns new skills.
• How about her own set of portable jumper cables? There are many options available today for jump-starting a car without the need for another vehicle. Perfect for a single girl or woman alone.
• An electric toothbrush is not only practical, but it is also healthy. Her dentist will be happy too!
• If your daughter plans to become independent after graduation, how about some items to get her started in an apartment of her own. Her own dishware, small appliances, linens, and even some furniture pieces would enable her to get started without obtaining everything at once.
Entertainment-loving girls
• Tickets to a concert of her favorite group or singer is always a welcome gift for a teenage girl. This will require a little bit of preplanning, as you will need to find the artist’s tour schedule. It is probably a good idea to purchase two tickets. She will want to take her BFF or her boyfriend.
• Music videos, CDs, DVDs of a favorite movie are ideal gifts for a teenager.
• Are her tastes more upscale? If so, theater tickets, concert or opera tickets would be appreciated by the teenager with more elaborate tastes. Season tickets to her favorite symphony or opera company would be fantastic for the girl with an appreciation for the more refined forms of entertainment.
• Does she play an instrument, or has she always wanted to? How about a guitar and lessons, or a piano if it is within the budget.
• How about a vintage band tee shirt? If she enjoys the famous bands of the 60s and 70s, such as the Rolling Stones, Beatles, or other groups, she will love wearing a shirt like this.
Animal loving girls
• Has your daughter always wanted a pet? A dog, cat, bird, or horse, maybe? Perhaps now is the time to surprise her with a pet of her own. Perhaps a rescue shelter or the humane society will have just the perfect dog or cat for your daughter.
• If she has been fortunate enough to have a horse, for example, maybe she needs a new riding outfit, a new saddle, or something that will make her riding more enjoyable.
• How about season tickets to the local zoo. Most zoos have many different attractions throughout the year that an animal lover would enjoy.
• If she has a pet, how about a dog or cat toy, a unique feeding bowl, an animal-themed décor piece, a calendar with her favorite animal.
• For the daughter who has extreme allergies and cannot have a pet, buy her a stuffed animal. Just about every animal imaginable comes in a “stuffed” animal version these days. Just make sure she dusts it regularly, so her allergies don’t act up!
• Have her portrait taken with her pet, then present it to her in a beautiful frame.
• Donate to the local Humane Society or the ASPCA in her name.
• Perhaps a subscription to National Geographic would appeal to her. Not only does it contain information about geography, but about the animals in the locale. Any animal lover would appreciate this publication.
Any girl would love these gifts
• A bottle of her favorite perfume, body spray, or scent would be welcome. Most girls and women and wear fragrances daily, and a favorite would always be an appreciated gift.
• Do you want to keep it simple? How about a gift card to her favorite restaurant where she could go with her BFF or boyfriend? If she enjoys a restaurant that she isn’t able to go to as often as she wants, it would be an extra special gift for her to receive.
• A gift card to her favorite retail or online store to enable her to choose her own gift. This is always a good option for anyone you need to buy a gift for that has “everything.”
• How about the car she has been admiring? What girl wouldn’t love to receive that? Who wouldn’t?
There are many, many gift options for teenage girls, both in retail stores and online. One thing a parent can do to make it easier is listening. She may divulge an idea when you are least expecting it.