Plumbing is a crucial part of our homes. It needs to be working for our sinks, showers, and toilets to work as intended. Otherwise, a whole host of issues may arise.
In this video, you will learn how residential plumbing works.
There are four main systems at work in a residential plumbing system. They are waste drains, waste vents, portable water, and rain water. The waste drains are fairly straightforward. They are connected to each appliance or fixture in the house that contains waste. The pipes drain the waste using gravity down and out of the house into a municipal drain or a septic tank. A septic tank separates the liquids and sends them into a drain field where they get recycled by mother nature.
Waste vents are another crucial element to plumbing systems. They help vent the pipes to relieve pressure from methane buildup. This also keeps septic smells from backing up into the house.
Some houses have wells as part of their plumbing system. This well takes water from the ground and feeds it into the house using pipes. This water can then be used in the system or filtered for drinking and bathing. Lastly rainwater is actually part of plumbing. The gutters catch water from the roof and carefully drain it into a selected area.