How to Pick the Best Painting Contractor

When deciding to paint the interior or exterior of your house, you may think you can tackle the job yourself, but you should always hire a painting contractor to take the stress out of painting and get the best quality work. Keep reading to learn how to pick the best painting contractor.

There are many tasks involved with painting a home, like sanding, working on a ladder, using power equipment, solvents, and other chemicals that can be hazardous. Experienced painters know the appropriate steps to avoid these hazards, especially surface preparation safety.

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When getting estimates, get estimates from at least three different painting contractors. Always get details in writing like the painter’s contact information, specification of the exact work to be done including all areas to be prepared and painted, products and colors to be used including brand names, completion date, and total cost.

Before you pick a painting contractor, ask for references, and follow up on them. Any reputable painting contractor will be happy to provide you with a list of customers they have done work for.

For more tips on picking the best painting contractor, watch the video above!


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