Why Your Police Department Should Consider Custom Face Masks

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage communities across the globe, police departments are faced with an unprecedented challenge. How can they protect their officers and staff from the virus while still carrying out their duties? One potential solution is custom face masks.

There are many benefits to using face masks, including protection from exposure to viruses such as COVID-19, and reduced transmission of viruses and germs.

Protect Against Deadly Viruses

Face masks can help protect police officers and staff from exposure to the virus. Many viruses are airborne or, in the case of COVID-19, can spread through fine droplets suspended in the air and breathed in accidentally. With police officers helping so many people during a single day, having a custom face mask allows them to experience a layer of protection. In addition, by wearing face masks, police departments can show solidarity with the communities they serve. Face masks can also help reduce the transmission of the virus, which is especially important given the high rate of first responder infections. Police officers, firefighters, and paramedics can all benefit from face masks.

Reduce Transmission of Viruses

One of the most important benefits of face masks is that they can help reduce the transmission of viruses. In fact, the top three ways to avoid spreading COVID-19 include wearing a face mask, washing your hands frequently, and keeping a safe distance from people. While officers might not be able to stay away from people or wash their hands, they can wear face masks to help! Face masks can also help protect public members from exposure to the virus.

Show Solidarity With The Community

By wearing face masks, police departments can show solidarity with the communities they serve. Wearing a face mask is an important gesture, especially in these difficult times. Custom face mask designs can show even more support by embellishing a city’s logo, police badges or department seal, or even city sports teams. Decorated face masks can provide protection as well as help improve morale within the department and community members.

A face mask can offer many benefits to police departments, including protection from exposure to deadly viruses, reduced transmission of viruses, and a way to show solidarity with the community. Given the high rate of first responder infections, face masks are an important tool in the fight against COVID-19 and protect members of the public! Consider buying bulk masks to help officers today. Contact us today for more information on our product offerings.

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