Just a few months ago my husband and I rescued a Pit Bull Terrier Mix from our local shelter. From the get go we were concerned about finding all natural dog food for her because we believed that the best dog food would have quality dog food ingredients. Eventually we learned that it was not necessarily a natural diet that she needed, but a grain free diet.
Natural dog food is a murky subject matter in any case. Some people believe that the only way to get natural dog food is to be making dog food for yourself. Others believe that the only thing that matters is whether the ingredients are natural, not necessarily what the ingredients are. There are many different camps surrounding what types of dog food are best!
Whatever it is that you believe, here are three tips that can help you choose a good dog food for your dog.
1. Talk to a veterinarian.
Do you know if your particular breed of dog has any food allergies? Chances are your veterinarian does. Certain breeds respond better to certain diets, and your veterinarian can inform you all about that. You should be well aware that a veterinarian may try to sell you on the brand of dog food that they carry, so take recommendations selectively.
2. Talk to a trainer.
Personally, I find trainers to be the most reliable sources for pet health information. The only thing that a trainer is trying to sell you is their own time to help your dog. Generally, when it comes to dog food, a trainer knows more about how richer diets affect different dogs. They can also usually make solid recommendations tailored to what they already know about your dog and its temperament and health.
3. Read reviews online.
Everyone will find that their dog has slightly different results on most brands of dog food. Some dogs thrive on Purina, and others can eat nothing but Blue Buffalo. Therefore, to an extent you must read all reviews with a little skepticism.
Once you have followed these three tips you should have a better idea of what kind of dog food is best for your puppy. Narrowing down your search to natural, grain free, science based, raw, homemade, or some other kind of dog food diet will help you to then ultimately choose a brand. Above all you should be listening to your dog. The best dog food for your pet will keep them healthy and happy. You will be sure to see a difference.
I hate to agree because it is just not the easy solution, but you do have to take input from experts as well as the rest of the world. Otherwise you are going to do lots of trial and error.
Arguably there are some dog foods that I would say should never be fed to dogs, but it is surprising when you hear the stories of how some dogs can eat junk all day long and never experience any side effects!
Arguably there are some dog foods that I would say should never be fed to dogs, but it is surprising when you hear the stories of how some dogs can eat junk all day long and never experience any side effects!
Arguably there are some dog foods that I would say should never be fed to dogs, but it is surprising when you hear the stories of how some dogs can eat junk all day long and never experience any side effects!
Arguably there are some dog foods that I would say should never be fed to dogs, but it is surprising when you hear the stories of how some dogs can eat junk all day long and never experience any side effects!
Arguably there are some dog foods that I would say should never be fed to dogs, but it is surprising when you hear the stories of how some dogs can eat junk all day long and never experience any side effects!